Assistants who have a regular digest cadence are happier, more effective, and less stressed (2020 Assistant Survey). Base Digest offers templates and a source of truth for clients.
Base's Decision Stream feature takes questions, updates (and random items that pop up) from Slack, email, calendars, -wherever you communicate - and creates a single Q&A stream to push to clients.
Base's Dossier tool organizes preferences, habits, key contacts, software, and more in a secure, dedicated hub, instead of in a Word or Google Document.
Base Digest creates client updates in minutes, giving assistants time back to into their day. Add meeting notes, files, attachments and more, so your executive has everything they need ahead of time. That way you're spending your meeting time on actionable next steps, not playing catch up.
"Base's Decision Stream has streamlined Q&A—instead of having multiple emails or text messages with questions that need a simple answer, I can combine them into a Base Decision Stream and have all the questions and answers in one place. It also is much easier for my client to respond via the Base link."
—Base User
“[My current client] and I know that if things get hectic and we can't meet one-on-one to do that, the weekly Base Digest will cover it for us.”
"I did use a Word document to keep track of dossier information about clients, and now I handle all of that in Base, which is much easier.”
"We still use [our daily tools]: Gmail, Google Calendar, Trello and Slack. The difference is that Base allows us to combine many of the activities in each of those apps into a single location for a dashboard view of what we have going on."
"My client and I have several tools that we use for project management, scheduling, email, and communication. Each works well, but they don't all necessarily coordinate seamlessly. Having the ability to take a snapshot overview of [everything] is always a struggle. That's where Base comes in very handy. I put together a weekly [Digest] that helps us have [one place] to look at the week ahead."
EA Leah Pallant began using Base’s Digest feature, which creates beautiful executive updates in minutes, giving EAs time back to focus on more strategic work. Learn More.
See the ROI Base provides to clients and executives, and use it to bring on more clients. View.
Even if you're already working virtually, COVID has made even VAs adjust to a new remote work life. See how this assistant adjusted successfully.
Resources to help you define goals in your role, and how to execute and measure your success, starting with a 5-Step Goal Setting Method. Learn More.
Tips, tools, and everything you need to know to be a GREAT virtual assistant. Download.
Dedicated hub for assistants with tools, guides, and more to excel in your role. Visit.
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Greenville, South Carolina 29609